Social Networking – MSN Symbols

When you are going to do a people search, using social networking websites is out of the question. It is because that if you compile all the user accounts of all social networking websites, you will have more than 2 billion of such profiles. Because of this, social networking websites are very powerful if you are serious to find friends through the Internet.

Probably the biggest and most significant change in the history of chat was the introduction of the graphical emoticon or smiley face symbol. First seen on ICQ in the early nineties, and then mastered by Microsoft with their MSN program later, the smiley face personified everything that the internet generation was feeling at the time. It was cool, it was digital and it could avoid wasting long periods of time typing.

Microsoft didn’t rest on its laurels, and continued to develop the idea of using graphical images to represent what it saw as people’s feelings. In a later version of MSN Messenger, they came up with the genius idea of allowing people to add their own emoticons to their client, effectively opening up a new industry of custom logos and emotes which would drive their product forward for the next five years.

Here is a question for you, would you ever propose or accept a proposal for marriage on a first date? That’s a rhetorical question because we all know the answer, at least I hope so. Also think about the one liner dudes that go up to a girl and say something corny like, “What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” Yeah, real smooth.

Then why would someone use similar methods to attract people to their business. When people are considering getting involved in a serious relationship, consciously or unconsciously they want to know, what does this person have to offer me? How can they enhance my life?

The disadvantages:

1. Fraudulent information.

When you are going to search one person, you might be shocked why there are a lot of accounts about that person (especially if he’s a celebrity.) You might even think how in the world can he manage 25 user accounts. With this, there are several fake user accounts in these websites. Now, you do not want a poser, or an imitation, right?

Like information that can help their business. For example:

• Free software that can help them market there business better?

• A web site or a forum that has great information related to there business.

• Techniques you have found successful in building your business…etc.

I think you get the point. If you use attraction marketing and your consistent, you won’t have to send annoying messages, people will view you as a leader and seek you out to find out more about your business

Resource Author Francisco Rodriguez Higueras
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